
Jason Liu

Professor; Director and PI

Jason Liu is an FIU Endowed Computer Science Professor and Director of FIU’s Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences. He has extensive experience managing large teams and collaborations, currently managing two research centers at KFSCIS. His expertise is in parallel discrete-event simulation and performance modeling of large-scale networks and systems using machine learning. Dr. Liu will oversee the project’s overall operation, and will lead the crosscutting thrust for coastal environmental data sharing (CT), as well as the education, training, and workforce development activities. He will also participate in the physics-informed AI research thrust (F1).

Jayantha Obeysekera

Research Professor; Co-PI

Co-PI Jayantha Obeysekera is a Research Professor and the Director of Sea Level Solutions Center at FIU’s Institute of Environment. He has over 30 years of expertise in water resources management and modeling in South Florida. Dr. Obeysekera will lead the use-inspired thrusts, particularly on sea level variability (U1) and compound flooding (U2). He will also participate in the crosscutting thrust on coastal environmental data sharing (CT).

Leonardo Bobadilla

Associate Professor; Co-PI

Leonardo Bobadilla is an Associate Professor at KFSCIS. His interest is in the information requirements for solving fundamental robotics tasks such as navigation, patrolling, tracking, and motion safety with applications to marine robotics. Dr. Bobadilla will lead the foundational research thrusts and participate in the physics-informed AI thrust (F1) the robust & reliable AI thrust (F2), and the use-inspired research thrust on harmful algae blooms (U3).

Philippe Tissot

Research Professor; Co-PI

Philippe Tissot is the Conrad Blucher Institute Chair for Coastal Artificial Intelligence at TAMUCC and a Co-PI for the NSF AI2ES AI Institute. He is interested in the development of AI methods for the analysis and prediction of environmental systems with a focus on coastal physical processes. Dr. Tissot will contribute to the foundational AI research thrust in physics-informed AI (F1) and participate in the use-inspired thrusts on sea-level variability (U1) and compound flooding (U2).

Ruoying He

Professor; Co-PI

Ruoying He is a Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor and the Director of the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group at NCSU. He is also a Co-PI for the NSF AI2ES institute. His research expertise spans from coastal circulation dynamics and air-sea interaction to biophysical interactions. He and his team conduct coastal ocean observations, analyze remote sensing data, and develop predictive models of ocean circulation, air-sea-wave interactions, and physical-biogeochemical couplings that utilize data assimilation and AI/ML. Dr. He will contribute to use-inspired thrusts on sea level variability (U1) and harmful algal blooms (U3).

Amy McGovern


Amy McGovern is a Lloyd G. and Joyce Austin Presidential Professor at the University of Oklahoma where she has a dual-appointment in the School of Computer Science and the School of Meteorology. Dr. McGovern is the Director of AI2ES. Her research focuses on developing trustworthy AI methods for high-impact weather. She will bring connections to AI2ES overall as well as contribute to the foundational AI research (thrusts F2 and F3).

Todd Crowl


Todd Crowl is the Director of the Institute of Environment and has broad experience using complex environmental data. He has managed large interdisciplinary programs including NSF LTER, CREST and EPSCOR programs. Dr. Crowl will co-lead the crosscutting thrust on coastal environmental data sharing (CT).

Dongsheng Luo

Assistant Professor

Dongsheng Luo is an Assistant Professor at FIU’s KFSCIS. He is working on trustworthy machine learning algorithms and their applications in different disciplines, such as health informatics, wireless communication, and ES. Dr. Luo will lead the foundational research thrust on Explainable AI (F3) and participate in the robust and reliable AI (F2) and the use-inspired thrusts connecting the trustworthy AI research in coastal ES applications. Homepage:

Wenqian Dong

Assistant Professor

Wenqian Dong is an Assistant Professor at FIU’s KFSCIS. She has expertise in scientific machine learning and system optimization for deep learning. Dr. Dong will lead the physics-informed AI research thrust (F1) and participate in all use-inspired AI thrusts for coastal ES.

Viet Cuong Nguyen

Assistant Professor

Viet Cuong Nguyen is an Assistant Professor at FIU’s KFSCIS. His research focuses on developing efficient and uncertainty-aware machine learning algorithms for large-scale applications using transfer learning and Bayesian inference. Dr. Nguyen will lead the foundational research thrust on robust & reliable AI (F2) and participate in all the use-inspired research thrusts to translate the developed AI algorithms to the downstream ES applications.

Kevin Boswell

Associate Professor

Kevin Boswell is a marine ecologist whose research focus is the application of acoustics and autonomous platforms to examine multi-scale biological processes across an array of ecosystems. He is the Director of the Marine Biology Program and leads the Marine Ecology and Acoustics at FIU. Dr. Boswell will contribute to the crosscutting thrust on data sharing (CT), by oversee the provision of water quality data through the networked observing system in Biscayne Bay and will lead the use-inspired thrust on harmful algae blooms (U3).

Scott Graham

Assistant Director of Research

Scott Graham is the Assistant Director of Research at KFSCIS and Associate Director, Coordination and Strategy, of FIU’s CREST CAChE. Dr. Graham will help manage this project and coordinate collaboration between the computer scientists and the domain scientists.